Is Your Driver’s License Suspended?
Are you having a tough time getting to-and-from work? Is your inability to drive preventing you from spending quality time with your children? Are you currently fantasizing about a lifestyle that does not involve constantly bumming rides from friends and family? If your license has been suspended, there is a very good chance that you qualify for Indiana’s new Specialized Driving Privileges.
Do You Qualify for Specialized Driving Privileges?
Indiana’s Specialized Driving Privileges are broadly available and very inclusive. Although the law is only a few years old, the attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm have already used it to help hundreds of clients get back behind the wheel.
If the BMV has declared you a Habitual Traffic Violator (HTV), the attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm can likely get you driving again!
If you are in trouble for driving without a valid license, the attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm can likely get you driving again!
If you are in trouble for driving without insurance, the attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm can likely get you driving again!
If your license has been suspended for life, the attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm can likely get you driving again!
If your lifetime suspension has been effective for more than 10 years, the attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm can likely convince the Judge to rescind your suspension!
Finally, if you’re facing a license suspension as the result of an OVWI charge, the attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm can likely get you driving again! The main exception to this general rule is where the police are claiming you refused a chemical test.
Call suspended driver’s license attorneys at the Marc Lopez at 317-632-3642 to start the process of getting back on the road again. When you call, please have your BMV driver record handy. Here are instructions on obtaining your BMV record.

“Your law firm was absolutely amazing helping my husband Carl and I try and get his license fixed a huge shout-out to Cassie thank you for communicating with us so much and helping us get to the bottom of all this and thank you to the attorney Matthew Kroes keep up the great work.” – Tina F
“I got myself into a situation. I was scared and didn’t know what to do. My mom reached out to Mr. Lopez, and he talked with her and showed immense compassion and care. He calmed my mom’s nerves and ensured her they would have my back. They did just that. They got me the best possible deal I could ask for. Helped me along the way and always was there for me. My preferred method of communication was email because I could talk to him directly and not have to talk to my paralegal. He always got back to me so quickly. Also, Tony Lang is the best driver’s license clerk in the WHOLE STATE! And Attorney Kroes helped me as well. Everyone involved was great. If you’re in a predicament like I found myself in, Marc Lopez law is your best bet, and They’re definitely the way to go. They protected me and reassured me everything was going to be ok and IT WAS! They are THE BEST!!! I highly recommend them!” – NJ
“Matthew Kroes represented me in a very important a personal matter regarding my driver’s license. He made me feel confident and did an amazing job telling the courts about me and my circumstances. I am very happy with my results and highly recommend him and Marc Lopez law.” – Daniel N