The Impact of a Fourth DUI in Indiana: Understanding the Severity


Facing a fourth DUI charge in Indiana carries severe consequences, including potential classification as a Habitual Vehicular Substance Offender (HBSO), which can add one to eight years to a sentence. The penalties vary based on prior offenses, with those convicted of misdemeanors possibly facing up to nine years in jail, while a fourth DUI within seven years of the third escalates to a Level 6 felony, carrying a potential ten-and-a-half-year sentence. The handling of these cases differs across counties, with some refusing to negotiate HVSO charges and others leaving sentencing largely up to judicial discretion, which can range from lenient to harsh.

If charged, immediate action is crucial. Hiring an experienced DUI attorney quickly can help navigate negotiations with prosecutors and potentially prevent an HVSO charge. Some counties offer DUI or drug court programs as alternative sentencing, but enrollment windows are short, requiring swift application. Additionally, demonstrating a commitment to treatment and rehabilitation can positively impact how a judge or prosecutor views the case. Given the complexity and seriousness of a fourth DUI, seeking legal representation is essential to mitigate long-term consequences. If you’re facing this situation, consulting a knowledgeable attorney as soon as possible is your best course of action.

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