Nobody wants to be hurt because of someone else’s unreasonable actions or negligence. But if you’ve been injured and need to make a claim against an insurance company, there are things you can do that will actually hurt your chances of recovering damages. The following are things you never want to do in the context of a personal injury case.

1. Thou shalt not fail to make a police report.
2. Thou shalt not delay in seeking medical treatment.
3. Thou shalt not seek treatment from a chiropractor (or any other medical professional) who contacts you following an injury.
4. Thou shalt not give a statement to the at-fault party’s insurance company without first speaking to an attorney.
5. Thou shalt not give a statement to your own insurance company concerning the injuries you’ve sustained.
The bodily injury portion of the case will address monetary restitution (also known as recovery) for things such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, and wage loss. You don’t want to discuss bodily injury specifics with your insurance provider unless you’ve already consulted with an experienced injury attorney.
Click here to learn more about the five commandments of personal injury cases.