Charged with a Crime in Hamilton County?

Hamilton County Courthouse address: 1 N 8th St, Noblesville, IN 46060
The Marc Lopez Law Firm defends clients in Hamilton County, Indiana every day. This post is intended to serve as an introduction to criminal charges in Hamilton County.
If you’re charged with a crime, your first court date is what’s known as an initial hearing. At this hearing, the judge will recite the formal charges, state your legal rights, and enter a preliminary plea of not guilty on your behalf. There’s no final determination of innocence or guilt at an initial hearing.
In many misdemeanor cases, this hearing can be waived. Things are a little different, however, if you’ve been charged with DUI / OVWI. If you consented to the certified chemical test and the results are back, you’ll need to attend the initial hearing to try and arrange specialized driving privileges.
If the police have marked you down as having refused the certified chemical test, the initial hearing can be waived, because there’s no chance of you driving anytime soon. If you’re charged with a felony, the initial hearing is required.
Following this, your case may be set for various hearings, and ultimately a pre-trial conference and a trial date. If you’re facing misdemeanor charges in Superior Court Four or Five, the pre-trial conference will be held informally. This means you will not need to attend.
Hearings that always require attendance include specialized driving privileges and anything that would resolve the case—like a trial or a guilty plea. If your guilt or innocence is being settled, you will need to be there.
The Marc Lopez Law Firm never wants its clients suffering unnecessary stress over preliminary court hearings. If you have any questions about your case or your next hearing, give us a call at 317-632-3642 and remember—always plead the 5th!