
Criminal charges are scary, and the legal system is intimidating. For many people, the instinctive response may be to try and handle things on their own. This is not a good strategy.

Even if your top priority is to put the criminal case behind you as soon as possible, this is easier to accomplish with the assistance of an experienced Indiana criminal lawyer. When you fail to seek legal assistance, you’re essentially sabotaging your own case. Here are four ways this can happen.

There are things you should be doing right now.

One of the key reasons you want to hire an Indiana criminal lawyer as soon as possible is the immediate effect it can have on your case. It’s not unusual for criminal charges to involve thorny elements like violence, substance abuse, or other complex issues. Acting promptly allows for crucial evaluations to be conducted, and these evaluations can significantly influence the court’s perception of the defendant.

For example, if you’re facing criminal charges involving alcohol or drugs, it can be helpful to seek out a substance abuse evaluation. This evaluation—which is usually conducted through county-approved providers—can go a long way toward demonstrating initiative and showing that you’re taking all of this seriously. Ideally, it sends a clear message to the judge and prosecutor that you’re proactive, cooperative, and committed to addressing any underlying issues of substance abuse or chemical dependence.

Even if you maintain your innocence, the evaluation is a smart move. If you have a problem, it shows that you’re willing to address it. If you don’t have a problem, this might be a way of getting an expert to say so.

You can’t meet the deadlines that you aren’t aware of.

The legal landscape is full of meaningful deadlines that it’s all too easy to miss. A seasoned Indiana criminal lawyer knows this and makes effective use of their calendar. Waiting too long to hire an attorney can lead to missing crucial deadlines, which is not something that anyone wants.

For instance, in a DUI case, a timely court filing might be the difference between being allowed to drive and being suspended. If the case involved a chemical test, you’ll want to file a motion to cross-examine the nurse or analyst. If you miss the deadlines and can’t interview these people, you’re putting your defense at a significant disadvantage.

A misdemeanor charge is generally preferable to a felony, but it comes with its own set of hassles. With a misdemeanor case, certain things—like the right to a jury trial—may be considered voluntarily surrendered if you don’t request them within a specific amount of time. An experienced Indiana criminal lawyer knows all about these things.

The judge makes the rules.

Particular judges are bound to have varying preferences about the way things are conducted in their respective courts. In some cases, this means no more continuances after a certain point. Getting a lawyer early in the process allows for strategic planning, and it can keep you from getting forced into a no-win situation.

Help your criminal lawyer help you.

If you wait too long to hire an attorney, you might be backing them (and yourself) up against a wall. There’s very little that can be done when deadlines have been missed and the State has a head start.

Legal representation that’s strained and rushed might be better than nothing, but it isn’t ideal. This isn’t simply a matter of professional convenience for the attorney—your criminal defense is more compromised with every day you delay.

Make the right call.

If you’re facing criminal charges in Indiana, you need a defense lawyer who will fight for you—and you need them today. The Marc Lopez Law Firm is here to help. Give us a call at 317-632-3642 and remember—always plead the 5th!