Stop Over-Sharing on Social Media

broken arm bone in cast

In this day and age, we’re all increasingly reliant on technology. More and more industries are going paperless, which means more trees and less papercuts all around. 

Technological convenience, however, often has unintended consequences. This is true in almost all areas of human culture, including personal injury claims.

The basis of any personal injury claim is the injury itself. If you’re hurt in an accident, your medical bills are tied directly to your treatment. In addition, many personal injury cases include pain and suffering—the theory that you deserve some extra compensation for your continued distress and discomfort.

With years of personal injury experience under its belt, the Marc Lopez Law Firm understands the difference between a winning case and a losing one. It often comes down to an attorney’s ability to convincingly draw a direct line of causation from the accident to your injuries. The more direct the causation, the stronger the case.

Click here to learn more about why it is important that you do not overshare information on social media after an accident!