No Contact Orders in Indiana

A no contact order is something that’s imposed by a criminal court, and it means you’re not allowed to have any contact with the person or persons listed in the order. No contact means no direct or indirect contact. You’re prohibited from:

  • calling the person
  • texting the person
  • showing up at the person’s place of employment
  • having a third party deliver messages for you

Unexpected Encounters

If you’re the subject of a no contact order, and the person you’re not allowed to contact suddenly appears in your presence, you’re obligated to leave. This might feel unfair—and it might mean abandoning a cartload of groceries—but remaining at the same address as the person would almost certainly put you in violation of the no contact order.

If you do this, the person has every reason to notify the State that you’re failing to abide by a court order. This can result in further criminal charges.

Invasion of Privacy

If the person you’re not allowed to contact complains about your behavior, this can translate into an invasion of privacy charge. This is not simply a violation of pre-trial conditions—it’s a brand new criminal case.

Invasion of privacy starts as a Class A misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of 365 days in jail and a $5,000 fine. If you have a prior conviction for invasion of privacy, you can be charged with a Level 6 felony, which carries a maximum penalty of two-and-a-half years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Lifting a No Contact Order

If you want to have a no contact order modified or lifted entirely, that will require a hearing. The court will want to take testimony from both parties, and following this, the judge will decide whether the order remains in place.

Make the Right Call

If you want your judge to reconsider a no contact order that’s currently in effect, don’t go it alone. Call the Marc Lopez Law Firm at 317-632-3642 and remember—always plead the 5th