A wise Hoosier once said we should be careful about what we pretend to be. He was right, of course, and this is especially true if you’re pretending to be a public servant. Fantasies have their place, but make-believe has gone too far when it requires the services of an Indiana criminal lawyer.
Impersonating a public servant is a serious charge that can take two forms: a Class A misdemeanor or a Level 6 felony. Let’s look at each charge and how it can affect you.
Impersonating a Public Servant as a Misdemeanor
It is a Class A misdemeanor to falsely represent yourself as a public servant with the intent to deceive or induce compliance with your instructions. A Class A misdemeanor carries a maximum penalty of 365 days in jail and a $5,000 fine.
Let’s say you go to someone’s house, claim to be with animal control, and demand that the owner keep their dog off their neighbor’s property. If you don’t actually work for animal control, but you’re falsely claiming to have the authority to boss the dog-owner around, that’s a Class A misdemeanor.
So, what does this mean in practical terms? Any decent Indiana criminal lawyer will tell you that you’re not allowed to pretend to have the authority to issue commands or enforce rules when you don’t actually have that power. This may only be a misdemeanor, but it can still result in significant penalties, including jail time and fines.
Impersonating a Public Servant as a Felony
There is also a more serious version of this offense—the Level 6 felony. Impersonating an ordinary public servant is one thing. The State of Indiana, however, takes it a lot more seriously when you’re claiming to be a law enforcement officer. It’s also a felony to impersonate an agent or employee of the department of state revenue and collect any property from another person.
The latter option isn’t all that common, but the former occurs pretty frequently. Pretending to be a police officer, for instance, is a serious offense. It’s not difficult to obtain a uniform or place a light on your car to mimic a police vehicle. Cosplay is one thing, but when you’re trying to deceive others into thinking you’re a police officer, this is a felony offense.
A Level 6 felony is extremely serious and carries a maximum penalty of two and a half years in prison and a $10,000 fine. An experienced Indiana criminal lawyer will tell you, even something as minor as flashing a fake badge to scare someone off can result in a felony charge.
Legal Consequences and Defense
Being charged with impersonating a public servant is not a minor thing. Even if you’re only facing misdemeanor charges, the consequences can be long-lasting and detrimental to your life and career. The implications of a felony conviction are much more severe.
If you find yourself facing such charges, it’s crucial to seek legal assistance from an experienced Indiana criminal lawyer as soon as possible. When it’s your life on the line, you want experienced defense counsel representing you—not just someone who pretends to be.
Make the Right Call
At the Marc Lopez Law Firm, we’re here to help guide you through the choppy waters of the criminal justice system all the way to the shores of freedom. Some journeys are longer and more arduous than others, but we’re committed to achieving the best possible outcome for your case.
Keep in mind, if you’re charged with impersonating a public servant, don’t hesitate to contact us at 463-842-1724 and remember—always plead the 5th!