Do You Need an Attorney at an Indiana SDP Compliance Hearing?


If you’ve been granted Indiana Specialized Driving Privileges (SDP), there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to attend a compliance hearing. This is the court’s way of ensuring that you’re adhering to the rules and restrictions that were set when you received your Indiana SDP. But do you need an attorney for these hearings? The answer depends on your situation.

At the Marc Lopez Law Firm, we frequently hear this question, and the answer often comes down to whether or not you’re asking for significant changes to your driving privileges. Let’s break it down.

What Happens at a Compliance Hearing?

A compliance hearing for your Indiana Specialized Driving Privileges is a check-in with the court. The judge wants to confirm a few key things to ensure you’re following the terms of your Indiana SDP:

1. Are you maintaining the required insurance?

In Indiana, you need to carry SR-22 insurance, which is a high-risk policy, along with liability coverage of $100,000/$300,000. At your hearing, the court will verify that your insurance is still active.

2. Have you had any issues with law enforcement?

The judge will ask whether you’ve been involved in any legal matters while driving, including traffic tickets, speeding infractions, or other violations. Any run-ins with the law could jeopardize your Indiana Specialized Driving Privileges.

3. Are there changes to your Indiana SDP?

If you’ve moved, changed jobs, or need to modify your driving hours, this is when you’ll need to bring it up. Simple updates, like a change of address, can often be handled quickly. But if you’re requesting bigger changes, it may be more complicated.

4. Have there been any significant life changes?

The court will also ask if anything major has changed in your life that might impact your ability to comply with the conditions of your Indiana Specialized Driving Privileges. If everything has been going smoothly, you should have no issues.

When You Don’t Need an Attorney

For a standard compliance hearing with no major changes, you likely do not need an attorney. These hearings are routine and typically brief. If your address is the same, your SR-22 insurance is up to date, and you’ve had no new legal troubles, you’re probably in the clear. 

When You Should Hire an Attorney

However, there are situations where it’s highly advisable to hire an attorney, especially if you’re asking for substantial changes to your Indiana Specialized Driving Privileges. Examples of situations where you might need legal representation include:

  • You’ve moved and need to modify your approved driving routes.
  • Your job has changed, and you need expanded driving hours or new destinations.
  • You’re seeking to remove an ignition interlock device after complying with its use for a period of time.

In these cases, the judge will want to know why you’re requesting these changes. An experienced attorney from the Marc Lopez Law Firm can help explain your situation clearly and argue why these modifications are justified. Without legal help, you risk having your request denied, which could delay your ability to make the changes you need.

Don’t Risk Delays – Plan Ahead

The worst thing you can do is attend your compliance hearing unprepared. If you ask for significant changes to your Indiana SDP without the proper legal support, you might be denied. Then you’ll have to hire an attorney afterward, which can delay your ability to make those changes by several months. Hiring an attorney from the Marc Lopez Law Firm before your hearing ensures that your requests are presented in the best possible way, increasing your chances of success.

Key Takeaway: When to Seek Legal Help for Indiana SDP Compliance Hearings

If your compliance hearing is simply a routine check-in with no significant changes, you likely do not need an attorney. However, if you’re requesting substantial modifications to your Indiana Specialized Driving Privileges, it’s in your best interest to have legal representation from the Marc Lopez Law Firm. This helps prevent delays and gives you the best chance of getting your changes approved.

If you have questions about Indiana Specialized Driving Privileges, compliance hearings, or any other legal concerns, give the Marc Lopez Law Firm a call at 317-632-3642 and remember—always plead the 5th.