A Quick and Dirty Guide to Slip and Fall Injuries


Slip and fall injuries are unforeseen events that can happen to anyone, anywhere. Whether during a routine grocery store visit, at a friend’s residence, or even while waiting for the school bus, hazardous conditions on someone else’s property or at a business can lead to mishaps.

The experienced attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm are here to share crucial insights into these incidents. This guide will provide you with what steps to take if you or a loved one find yourself in such a situation.

Understanding Slip and Fall Cases

A slip and fall is not just an unforeseen incident; it encompasses injuries resulting from someone’s negligence or lack of care while someone else was on their property. Essentially, a slip and fall injury occurs when an individual is harmed due to unsafe conditions on another’s premises. In Indiana, property owners are legally obligated to maintain a safe environment for visitors.

Click here to read more about slip and fall injuries in Indiana.